Elections Canada Confirms the Usage of New Program Phrases
Elections Canada Confirms the Usage of New Program Phrases
Elections Canada has reconfirmed that the DAAC's Political Ads self-regulatory program meets the requirements under the Canada Elections Act for identification information needed in or around advertisements of a political nature – including issue-based ads.
New phrases were also approved by Elections Canada to be used beside the purple icon, including:
Ad Info
Authorized by
Paid For By
Political Ad
Political Ad Disclosure
Who Funded This Ad?
Who Made This Ad?
As the prospect of a federal election in the Fall looms, now is a good time to better understand our icon-based program and the standardized platform we offer for it. The program is simple to use and available at a very low cost.
An upcoming webinar is a good place to start:
Aug 12 at noon EST – Register Here
Or contact us directly for more information.
Our Political Ads program is ready for signatories. Recent signatories include MediaMath and The NOW Group. If your company would like to license the icon and use our in-ad transparency tool, please Register Your Company Today!