Political Ad Registries
Prominent Canadian online platforms are required to assemble public political ad registries. The DAAC has compiled a list of these registries for informational purposes.
Register to Vote
Are you registered to vote? Check to see on the Elections Canada website through the black button titled “Federal Voter Registration”.
For provincial elections, check to see if you are registered to vote in your province or territory: |
Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia |
Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon |
Enhance your civic literacy at Election Canada’s Inspire Democracy website.
Political Parties in Canada
View the list of registered political parties in Canada on the Elections Canada website.
Registered Third Parties
A third party is a person or group that conducts election advertising, other than a candidate, registered party or electoral district association.
All third parties need to be registered with Elections Canada after incurring $500 in election advertising expenses.
Search for contributions to political entities on the Elections Canada website.
Political Financing Reports
View other political financing activities collected by Elections Canada. You can search for contributions, view different kinds of financial reports, stay informed on regulated fundraising events, and more.
Lodge a Complaint
Lodge a complaint about a political ad you’ve seen through the Elections Canada website.
When preparing to submit a complaint, have as much information available as possible to report. Try to take screenshots of the ad you are reporting.
How to take a screenshot: